Date Flight Scheduled Destination Terminal Status
12/09/2024 TB1171 06:00 Alicante Departed at 05:54
12/09/2024 TB1071 06:30 Malaga Departed at 06:25
12/09/2024 TB1621 13:00 Gran Canaria
13/09/2024 TB1171 06:00 Alicante
13/09/2024 TB2281 06:30 Heraklion
13/09/2024 TB2281 06:30 Chania
Date Flight Scheduled Origin Terminal Status
12/09/2024 TB1172 11:50 Alicante Expected at 11:55
12/09/2024 TB1072 13:05 Malaga Expected at 12:59
12/09/2024 TB1622 22:35 Gran Canaria


The minimum age for a child to travel alone is 5 years of age and only when it is duly assisted.

5 – 11

Assistance is compulsory for Unaccompanied Minors (UM), i.e. children from 5 up to 11 years of age who are not accompanied by a person who is at least 18 years old. The child will then be under permanent supervision of airport personnel and cabin crew. The parent or guardian handing over the child at Ostend Airport and the parent or guardian collecting the child at airport of arrival must be nominated at the time of making the booking. Strict rules and regulations apply, including a thorough identity check.

Please check with your airline or travel agent for rules and procedures that apply: www.tuifly.be 

12 – 17

For “Young Passengers”(YP), i.e. youngsters aged 12 up to 18, assistance is optional and can be applied for.